Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Out with the old

Today my boyfriend and I broke up and it all of a sudden hit me: my life is about to completely start over. No, I promise I’m not making this a sappy post about getting my heart broken. I just realized that now, I have nothing to tie me down. My final safety net is gone and there isn’t anything left to hold me back. In August, I am leaving my past behind me and I am moving to France all by myself. I’m looking at single apartments to rent in the center city of Reims, where I will be attending NEOMA Business School for the next two years.

Up until today, I really haven’t pictured myself going to this foreign city where I won’t know anyone. But as I’m searching for apartments on websites like <http://www.paruvendu.fr> and <http://www.avendrealouer.fr>, I can’t help but find myself daydreaming about the life I’m going to lead. I’ll wake up early, in my cozy 18m² apartment. I’ll look outside my window and see the sun start to rise behind the city’s historic cathedral. I’ll put some Journey on (because I need to bring something American with me!) and put my headphones in, then head out for a morning run by the river. Maybe on the way back I will stop and get some fresh bread or a croissant from the nearby boulangerie. A little later, I hop on the tram and make my way to class, where I will be surrounded by students from all over the world.

So, instead of being sad about this break-up, I’m going to think about the positives. I’ll get to experience this incredible adventure all on my own and will find out who I really am. I can meet new people and travel to exciting places, without having to worry about anyone else. I will learn what it truly means to be free. My life is about to change…. and it’s going to be pretty awesome. 

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